Sewing classes for children...
Knitting and Crochét classes too...
Adult classes available...
Knit 'n' Sew Studio Shop is now open!
Quality handcrafted items now available to purchase online.

Knit 'n' Sew Studio

Welcome to Knit 'n' Sew Studio !
We have beginner classes especially designed to teach children aged 7+ the art of knitting, sewing and crochét.
Class sizes are small, so more fun and more learning can be enjoyed in the 1 hour and 15 mins class time.
Cost includes the use of sewing machines, knitting/crochét needles and all materials (fabric, wool, trims and notions ...etc).
New Projects :
This is what we're making in Sewing Class this term :

Term 2/2015 Project 1:
We will start with a special Mothers' Day Gift...
Make a fur-covered lined Jewellery Roll for Mum.
Learn to put on a zipper.

Term 2/2015Project 2:
Make a cute lip shaped purse out of neoprene and lips printed cotton....can be used as a little cosmetic case or even a pencil case for the girls.
More practice on zippers.
Learn to sew around curves and sewing materials with different thicknesses.

Term 2/2015 Project 3:
Make a white mesh and jersey sports singlet, with an oversized number applique on the back.
Learn to applique.
created by Knit 'n' Sew Studio © 2016