Sewing classes for children...
Knitting and Crochét classes too...
Adult classes available...
Knit 'n' Sew Studio Shop is now open!
Quality handcrafted items now available to purchase online.
Knit 'n' Sew Studio
Welcome to Knit 'n' Sew Studio !
We have beginner classes especially designed to teach children aged 7+ the art of knitting, sewing and crochét.
Class sizes are small, so more fun and more learning can be enjoyed in the 1 hour and 15 mins class time.
Cost includes the use of sewing machines, knitting/crochét needles and all materials (fabric, wool, trims and notions ...etc).
January 2020 Holiday Workshops
In an effort to streamline the booking process to our Holiday Workshops, we are trialling an easier way to access information regarding the details of the workshop, by putting more information on this page. Dates and Projects will be listed on this page about 1 month before the end of each term. This way students can choose the projects they would like to do knowing the days they will be offered.
The maximum of students per day is still 4. Students can book for just herself (himself) or can arrange their own group of 4, and make a day of it! The hours are from 10am to 4pm.
A choice of Emoji Pillows
Approx 48am diameter
A Soft and Fluffy Infinity Scarf
Knitted with 15mm needles
A lined Drawstring Bag
A very easy beginner's project
Below is the timetable for the January 2020 Holiday Workshops, detailing the dates and projects on offer.
To enrol please tap on the Enrolment button, print off the form, fill in and email back to:
attn: Karen
created by Knit 'n' Sew Studio (c) 2014-2020